
This tool is designed to assist in panelizing your façade surface into a few pre-set patterns. You can also preview the unrolled panels directly in your viewport.


<aside> 1️⃣ Right-click on this component to set the façade design surface you’d like to analyze.


<aside> 2️⃣ You can adjust the angle of the panelization here.


<aside> 3️⃣ The UV division sliders allow you to adjust the panel amounts in over the height and width of the surface.


<aside> 4️⃣ This dropdown allows you to adjust the pattern type (either a staggered grid, a diagrid, a triangulated grid, or a grid).


<aside> 5️⃣ This cluster allows you to display the unrolled panels (Turn on and off to preview).


<aside> 6️⃣ Enable this in order to preview your panelized façade in rhino screen.


<aside> 5️⃣ Unroll Example

